Shut Up & Write

You love it. You loathe it.
Either way, you can't help yourself. You are one of us.
(You are also a masochist. But that's OK.)

My Photo
Location: Toronto, Canada

Struggling (and more often fighting) writer by trade, and office monkey when I need to pay my bills. It's an enviable life.
I know, you're probably a little jealous now.
It's perfectly understandable.

November 21, 2006

Time goes "zoooooooooom!"

I can pretty much count on not having enough time before I leave for this little post, so thought I'd get on it a day early. In less than 36 hours I shall be enroute to Thailand.

I'll be back December 11 with photos and a few random musings.

Part of me thinks this trip will change things. Other parts think that it's simply a two-plus-week breather away from the humdrum ordinariness of life. A quick flow of heat, colour, noise and smell. And people everywhere.

Change everything. Change nothing. It will be one or the other.

See you when I get back.

November 16, 2006

My new guilty pleasure...

I love Dexter. I love having AnimeOnDemand. I also will admit to watching America's Next Top Model (it's so wonderfully trashy and hilarious).

But right now, my absolute TV obsession is Heroes.

I stupidly thought it was something else. Having now watched all of the currently aired episodes, I will admit that I'm completely hooked.

And I adore Hiro. Both present and future incarnations.

If you have any kind of affection for comic books, sci-fi, action and people with cool powers, you'd best get caught up and start downloading.

And yes, I am a dork.
It's very true.


Isn't it weird how sometimes work can always swamp you deep in the muck without you realizing it? Whoosh! Swoop! And two weeks are suddenly gone.

I've been working late, getting up early and just feeling terribly frustrated (I get angry when things repeatedly fuck up). But in the writing biz, it's always feast or famine. And when feast shows up, you don't stop eating the gloriousness because you've eaten just enough to cease feeling hungry.

You have to eat enough to get you through the next famine.

And for me, the famine starts next week. Or rather, the money-sucking event that's been occupying some of my very sparse free time -- I leave for Thailand and Cambodia for almost three weeks. ( I wish it was more -- there is soooooo freaking much to do, and I'm only hitting the tip!)

Sure, the trip isn't 100% planned. And I probably don't have enough money (thank god for credit, but I will be paying forever... and ever... and ever). But damn it -- it's going to interesting as hell.

I have my typhoid and hep A&B shots. I have malaria pills. I have emergency penicillin in case of sudden illness. I have mosquito repellent, sunscreen, flip flops and a brand new suitcase.

More importantly, I have a sense of pending adventure.

But I still feel like the trip is a long, long way off -- not next Thursday.




Oh yeah. I never did find my bloody passport. Had to get a new one. It shoudl be ready the day before I leave. Thank god I don't bite my nails or tear at my hair. I'd be bald and nail-less by now.

November 4, 2006


Little Miss Absentminded has done it again. Oh yes.

Somewhere in my apartment is a current passport. Can I find it?

Of course not. And I leave for Thailand in less than three weeks.

I've obviously tried to put it somewhere clever, as my old passport is also missing. To all this, I say, "Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap."


November 2, 2006

So I'm a little behind...

... But holy crap, why hasn't anyone told me about The Rakes' "Terror" being the best song ever?

November 1, 2006

The next stage of evolution...

That is, according my dad.

I just took a test for Asperger's Syndrome. I scored pretty high (though fortunately escaped Autism levels). Apparently it's genetic. And it does explain some of my weirder traits.

It's the nerd syndrome. *sigh*

Anyway, you can see how high you score, too -- here.