Shut Up & Write

You love it. You loathe it.
Either way, you can't help yourself. You are one of us.
(You are also a masochist. But that's OK.)

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Location: Toronto, Canada

Struggling (and more often fighting) writer by trade, and office monkey when I need to pay my bills. It's an enviable life.
I know, you're probably a little jealous now.
It's perfectly understandable.

August 21, 2011

What do we think about screenplays?

As I consistently procrastinate finishing up the last draft of my book for my agent -- I so desperately want to move on from this book that I'm considering self-publishing it simply to make a few bucks -- my mind has been probing for other lucrative ways of writing.

Yes, yes. Lucrative + writing = oxymoron.

Come now, children. Let's consider it.

Screenwriting is an art I may not actually possess. I certainly have no experience with it. Sure, I'm a dab hand at dialogue. I can write likable characters. It's shorter than a book.

And I don't doubt that Hollywood is desperately seeking screenplays that are fresh, marketable and have a widespread appeal. The question is: can I deliver this?

My mind was playing with an old screenplay I had been writing with a friend back in the day. Originally, it had been pieced together as a horror. But as I toy with the plot in my mind, I wonder if maybe it has a place as a cult comedy...

It certainly would divert me from the book that current makes my stomach churn and boil with anxiety. And screenplays - whilst being labour-intensive - aren't exactly long, epic works.

So do I dabble... or remain on my current (and temporarily stagnant) course?


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