Shut Up & Write

You love it. You loathe it.
Either way, you can't help yourself. You are one of us.
(You are also a masochist. But that's OK.)

My Photo
Location: Toronto, Canada

Struggling (and more often fighting) writer by trade, and office monkey when I need to pay my bills. It's an enviable life.
I know, you're probably a little jealous now.
It's perfectly understandable.

December 24, 2006

And a happy holidays to you...

Let us talk then, you and I, about friendship.

A few days ago, I received an email from an old friend -- one who now has a tendency to only email when there is something s/he wants. All other times, there is a blank space from this person, but when s/he has an agenda, an idea or something s/he wants assistance with (usually in order to further themselves, or his/her career), then voila! An email. Usually for some kind of means to further career and such.

That same day, I received another rather cold email from an online friend who flatly informed that as they perceived I didn't want to be part of their life, they weren't interested in speaking to me further and then I could go forward, get bent and have a lovely and fine life.

This email was quickly followed up by another that conceded the original was harsh (though no apologies for it), and offered me a place to stay should I ever be in that neck of the woods.

At the same time, another friend has dropped off the face of the earth, with nae so much as a fare-thee-well... All emails are hitherto ignored. Not quite as much a utilitarian breach of friendship as the previous examples -- I'm neither a vessel for support, nor bound to send deep, introspective missives when time and circumstance don't permit -- but a breach nonetheless, given the length of time I've known this particular subject.

I'm irritated, but draw the line at marching up to them in person and smacking the proverbial white glove across his/her face.

Although I really do want to.

So it seems I have either been remiss in selecting those of whom I bestow my rarely-proffered friendship (am always friendly, but there are few I consider friends), or I have not been fulfilling my part of the unsaid bargains.

Or perhaps there are more interesting others standing in the wings, who would step in. I have no more to offer, or am neglectful in my own ways.

But I have no point here. Just a sad outpouring of frustration.

And gratitude, for the wonderful little soldiers who still steadfastedly remain my friends through fine weather and foul.

And of course, you, dear (and few) readers.

And it is to you I wish the happiest of holidays, whichever ones you may celebrate. Eat, drink, get good loot and have a damn-assed fine time in the process.

I must return. Seems I am accompanying Small Nephew to the movies this afternoon, in a bid to give the rest of the family time for shopping and such.

December 17, 2006

And even more... Bwa ha ha ha!

And lord knows, I'm holding back -- I have hundreds of these things.

It's like being stuck watching someone's slideshow of their trip to [insert exotic locale here]. But with time and energy running a little on the low side, I haven't much choice. Although this *is* a useful way of showing pics to friends and family who are interested...

Fortunately for you, there are only two more for now:

Inside Angkor Wat (Cambodia)

Monks chillin' on the walls at Angkor Wat (seems there were a few people trying to take photos, but a nearby local told me that i was the only one they smiled at. {Pity, perhaps?)

Am off to Nova Scotia first thing in the morn'...

Yearghhhh! More pics!

In the alleys of Bangkok's Chinatown...

"Argh! Cobras!" (Unlike uptight and excessively litigious North America, Thailand and Cambodia are less about safety... and more about letting people decide for themselves if they want to be a little risky. Bless 'em.)

Watching The Bridge On The River Kwai

Inside the Golden Palace

Monkeys are so cool. Greedy, yes -- but cool.

December 14, 2006

One of my favourites...

Water gardening on the river. This is one of my favourite images -- it's pretty soft and grainy, and the edges are interestingly blurred (combo of digital wide-angle lens and a nearly maxed out zoom, not to mention it was taken while I was zooming past on a longtail boat), but I still love it. I might actually print this one out at some point (small, due to the quality).

OK, OK...

Yeah, I know, I said I'd post some photos I took. I have hundreds and hundreds, but these are some of the ones I like...

Even at more than 30,000 feet, the Rockies are still impress the hell outta me...

Part of Wat Arun (temple in Bangkok).

One of the boat merchants, who paddles her way through the river selling merchandise to tourist boats or to people at the boat houses. Surly.

An amusing example of poor subject placement and the even more amusing way a wide angle lens can turn an innocuous stack of Rambutan (about the size of lychees) into a prison for a helpless vendor...

Bah, jetlag...

I fight the letlag... yet I lose.

Last night, I kept dozing off on the couch. Finally dragged my sorry carcass to bed and for the second day in the row, my eyes have popped awake well before dawn.

This, of course, is my punishment for flying across the world (seems that travel eastward screws up the body far more than westward, as I adjusted to Thailand time very quickly). I've been trying to avoid making plans in the evening with friends for this very reason -- "It's so great to see you! How have you been?"
[head crashes to table and snoring begins]


I'm a useless, penniless lump right now.

But the trip was awesome. Yes, I will write about it at some point, but it is a large project... And frankly, my concetration is poo right now.

December 13, 2006

Where the fuck is my amok?

Am home. Finally. Quickly.
Jetlag has kicked my ass really hard, so am sleeping ridiculous amounts, and my concentration is pathetically nil.

Canadian food kind of sucks right now. And I still fear tap water, lettuce and fake friendly smiles.